NCSchoolsAroundMe FAQ
Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina (PEFNC) is a non-profit organization that advocates for quality educational options through parental school choice.
To learn more about PEFNC, please visit
School data is updated with the most recent data from reputable state reports. Traditional public and public charter schools' data comes from the NC Department of Public Instruction's Educational Directory and Demographical Information Exchange (EDDIE), Statistical Profile Online and School Report Card Grades.
Private school data is published annually on the NC Department of Administration website.
PEFNC recently sent a Private School Survey to school administrators. You can access that survey HERE.
Yes! North Carolina has two state programs that offer private school tuition assistance: The Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP) and Education Savings Account (ESA+).
- The Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP) is an income-based program that provides annual private school scholarships for North Carolina children.
Click HERE to learn more about OSP!
Click HERE to see if you may be eligible!
Or click HERE to request one-to-one assistance from a Parent Liaison
The Education Savings Account (ESA+) is for students with special needs. It covers tuition and fees
at a private school and expenses related to educating a child with a disability.
Click HERE to learn more about ESA+!
Click HERE to see if you may be eligible!
Or click HERE to request one-to-one assistance from a Parent Liaison