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Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina is a non-profit organization that advocates for quality educational options through parental school choice. Our mission is to ENGAGE at the grassroots level, EDUCATE North Carolinians about the options in our state, and EMPOWER families to have a voice in their children’s education.

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Opportunity Scholarships 2025

Applications are open until March 6th. The Opportunity Scholarship Program is open to North Carolina families entering kindergarten through 12th grade. This program is open to all families, regardless of income. Scholarship awards range from approximately $3,000 - $7,000, based on a family's household income. The money can be used to pay for tuition and other required fees to attend registered private schools.

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NC Schools Around Me

PEFNC’s one-of-a-kind web application, NC Schools Around Me, puts parental school choice options right at parents’ fingertips! NC Schools around me enables parents to explore their schooling options.

Visit NC Schools Around Me

Parental School Choice in North Carolina

Private School Choice

North Carolina has two programs designed to provide access to private school choice for families in our state, including one specifically serving students with special needs.

Traditional Public School Choice

1.3M students are educated in over 2,500 traditional public schools in our state.

Public Charter School Choice

Nationwide over 7,100 charter schools serve more than 3.1 million students. In North Carolina, 209 public charter schools are operating across the state, enrolling over 140,000 students.

Special Needs Student Resources

Through the ESA+ program for students with special needs, North Carolina is helping families across our state find the exceptional education for their exceptional child. Click here for more information.

Home School

In North Carolina, over 150,000 students are taught at home in over 94,000 registered home schools, according to the latest state numbers.

Support Our Mission

As North Carolina’s source for parental school choice, we believe in allowing parents to send their children to their school of choice – traditional or nontraditional. PEFNC recognizes that education is not “one size fits all,” and that children have unique needs. Families should have the freedom to choose the best education to meet those needs, regardless of race, zip code or income.

Will you consider making an investment with us and supporting parental school choice in North Carolina?

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