In the News

As the source for parental school choice in our state, PEFNC is often asked to provide commentary on educational choice.

North Carolina senators file universal school choice bill

By Jillian Schneider

April 3, 2023

North Carolina Republicans filed a bill last week which would make the state’s school choice program universal.

Since the bill has 30 sponsors, it already has enough votes to override a potential veto, according to Corey DeAngelis, a leading school choice advocate.

‘This budget is a mixed bag:' Breaking down what’s in the House budget for education

By Liz Schlemmer

March 30, 2023

Republican House leaders have released their initial budget proposal. Senate leadership is expected to release its budget proposal in May, and the budget process will likely continue through the summer before North Carolinians see a final state budget.

But for now, the House proposal serves as a window into Republicans’ education priorities, both in terms of state funding as well as policy measures that may get wrapped into the final budget bill.

Major expansion of school choice introduced in NC House

By David Bass

March 24, 2023

Lawmakers have introduced a bill in the North Carolina House that would create a universal Education Savings Account to allow parents to pay directly for approved non-public educational expenses for their children.

House Bill 420, Expand and Consolidate K-12 Scholarships, would significantly expand the school choice landscape in the Tar Heel State. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Donnie Loftis, R-Gaston, would eventually phase out and replace the Opportunity Scholarship Program with an ESA valued at 100% of the state’s per pupil allotment for public school students. For 2022, that amount was $7,426.

Anuncian programa de becas para estudiantes de Carolina del Norte

Published by Univision

February 13, 2023

La organización ‘Parents for Educational Freedom’ cuenta con un programa de becas para que los estudiantes residentes de Carolina del Norte, puedan estudiar en escuelas privadas, desde preescolar hasta doceavo grado. Mira quiénes son elegibles y a cuánto asciende la ayuda.

Here comes the legislative long session. What does that mean for K-12 education?

By Alex Granados

January 23, 2023

While the 2023 long session of the General Assembly officially kicked off earlier this month, Wednesday is the day that lawmakers really get to work.

With legislators poised to develop a budget for the next two years, education is bound to be an important part of their calculus as they go about their work.

So, what’s going to happen with education this session?

It’s always good to take a look back first, so below you can see what happened in 2021 and 2022:

Enrollment soars in NC private schools at levels not seen since the 1970s

The Herald (article by Keung Hui, News & Observer)

Enrollment in North Carolina private schools grew by the largest number in 50 years, while the number of students who are home schooling dropped. New figures released Friday by the state Division of Non-Public Education (DNPE) show private school enrollment rose by 7,970 students in the 2021-22 school year.

Enrollment soars in NC private schools at levels not seen since the 1970s

By Keung Hui

“We should be looking to allow taxpaying citizens to get access to tax dollars to access the school of their choice,” Brian Jodice, executive vice president of Parents for Education Freedom in North Carolina, said in an interview Friday.

Opportunity Scholarships get a boost in new N.C. budget

Triangle NewsHub

The revised budget being considered this week by the North Carolina General Assembly would increase funding for the Opportunity Scholarship Program and raise income thresholds needed to qualify.

The budget puts an extra $56 million into the reserve fund for the scholarships, which are designed to give low- and moderate-income families the opportunity to leave their locally zoned public school and attend a private school that is a better fit for their children. 

Opportunity Scholarships get a boost in new N.C. budget

By David Bass, Carolina Journal

The revised budget being considered this week by the North Carolina General Assembly would increase funding for the Opportunity Scholarship Program and raise income thresholds needed to qualify.

The budget puts an extra $56 million into the reserve fund for the scholarships, which are designed to give low- and moderate-income families the opportunity to leave their locally zoned public school and attend a private school that is a better fit for their children. 



Fuente: Coreen Villalobos Mundo

Raleigh, N.C., 28 de junio de 2022- Entre los muchos pensamientos compartidos con la Humanidad por la antropóloga y mensajera de la paz de la ONU, Jane Goodall, figura este: 
"No dejes pasar ni un solo día sin que tenga impacto en el mundo que te rodea. Lo que haces marca la diferencia, y tienes que decidir qué tipo de diferencia es la que quieres hacer".