Wilmington celebrates School Choice Week

By Bryant Reed | January 23, 2019 at 3:29 PM EST - Updated January 23 at 4:16 PM


WILMINGTON, NC (WECT) - This week is devoted towards making sure students K-12 have their options open when it comes to getting the best education possible that fits them.

Parents For Educational Freedom in North Carolina held a celebration for the national call to action at the Cameron Art Museum.

Students showed up in their yellow School Choice Week scarves to support their opportunity to receive a better education based on their learning style.

Although the week is in support of all children, the focus was mainly about children with disabilities.

“Its important to have these kids included in school choice. For me, as a mom, they wouldn’t have the successes they have if I did’t have a choice,” said Jenni Copeland, who is a mother of two teens with disabilities.

School Choice Week is recognized nationally and Parents for Educational Freedom is making a tour around North Carolina in support of this week advocating for school choice.

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